Sound editing

Hey, I’ve hi-jacked the theme from Requim For a Dream and I wanna turn it into a loop. Can somebody point me to a good loop maker?

Some people told me Fruity Loops is good.

You might want to check out Sound Forge, Cool Edit and Gold Wave as well.

fruity loops is great for creating you own loops, cool edit is what you need since your just going to edit a wav file or sound forge, i recommend cool edit its much simpler :thumb:

cool edit is really good. u can get a shareware i think if you dont wanna pay.

Yeah if you want to make loops then you gotta make fruity lopps your liife for like 6 months>

Thats like the only way you can make good lopps its pretty hard to use.

Right now the file is an mp3 so I shall check out cool edit. I’ve used SoundForge before and it was aight, I guess.

cool edit is real easy and straight forward, although soundforge is more powerfull.

now fruity loops is quite hard but once you get the hang of it you can create some awesome beats, tracks and sound effects just takes ALOT o time to fool around with it and i do mean ALOT

cool edit is crap
sound forge all the way baby :wink:

yeah soundforge has better reatures like layers for diffrent sounds and stuff but cool edit is simpler to your average joe golgi :scream: :wink:

well, i would rather advise your average joe to use something more complex and way better then encouraging him to use something crappy to save the effort of learning. (here comes a rant).
i am sick of everything beign spoon fed to people. it seems like everything is getting more and more ‘user friendly’ and degrading quality just as rapidly. in my opinion, the evils of AOHell and Micro$uck are spawning zombified humans; teachign our children that big sloppy icons, and (argh! migraine!) crap is the way to go, numbing their fragile minds by flashing pretty colors and all the time sellign their info, invading their lives, denying their privacy, violating their basic rights, and overcharging them while theyre at it.

There are two kinds of sufferers in this world: those who suffer from a lack of life, and those who suffer from an over-abundance of life. I have always found myself in the second category. When you come to think of it, almost all human behavior and activity is not, essentially, any different from animal behavior. The most advanced technologies and craftsmanship bring us, at best, up to the super-chimpanzee level. Actually, the gap between, say, Plato or Nietzsche, and the average human is greater than the gap between that chimpanzee and the average human. The realm of the real spirit, the true artist, the saint, the philosopher, is rarely achieved. Why so few? Why is world history and evolution not stories of progress, rather this endless and futile addition of zeros? No greater values have developed. Hell, the Greeks 3,000 years ago were just as advanced as we are. So what are these barriers that keep people from reaching anywhere near their real potential. The answer to that can be found in another question, and that’s this: which is the most universal human characteristic: fear or laziness?

my moneys on laziness.

disclaimer: this is just IMHO, totally not directed at you grimdeath or anything…lol. what you said just made me think about that :beam:

w0w, I didn’t know sound editing was such a sensitive subject for you. I’ve used SoundForge before and I think I’ll have another go @ it. I’m also gonna check out Cool Edit Pro.

lol, its not. im just sleepy, and when im sleepy i go off the deep end. you’ll learn the pattern digipimp :wink: