Sound "getDefinitionByName"

Hi all,

In my code I need something to call the right soundfile from an array, like how I call a MC in the code below:

var currentBTN:String =;
var currentMC:MovieClip = getChildByName ("mc_" + currentBTN) as MovieClip;

I tried that with:

var currentSND:Sound = getDefinitionByName ("snd_" + currentBTN) as Sound;


var snd_name:Class = getDefinitionByName ("snd_" + currentBTN) as Class;
var currentSND:Sound = new snd_name();

but both don’t seem to work. I get the following error: #1065 variable snd_screenen is not defined. However I did define it, earlier in the code with:

var snd_screenen:Sound = new SCREENEN();
var snd_behandelen:Sound = new BEHANDELEN();

And I also gave de sounds a class name in my library. So I’m out of options…