Sound in background?

okay I have the swf’s in the same file separately - but it doesn’t appear to be loading them. It is an empty layer that I am attempting to load them from, the names definitely correspond - just nothing happens when I click on the button with the code.

Any clues as to what could be up amigo?

Do I need to give a full file name or url or something??

If all the swfs are in the same file then you shouldn’t have to ahve more than titlename.swf in the load script. Also the layer that you load the sounds into doesn’t have to exist on the main time line. For the layer number just put in a high number like 99 or 999. If your number is to low you might load something on top of it and lose your sound. I’m making a quick example so just hang tight and I’ll have some thing for you to look at soon.

Here you go the sintax321 sound system. It is very basic but it shoud show you what you need to know. Just post if you need a hand with it.:slight_smile:

Here you go the sintax321 sound system. It is very basic but it shoud show you what you need to know. Just post if you need a hand with it.

It is a pretty big zip file so I’ll only be hosting it for about 4 days so please download it ASAP and give me a message when you have it. Have Fun

Thanks pal - tried downloading it last night but I think my computer, with four or five major applications open and running several web pages for over ten hours, just decided it had had enough and was being arsey about it.

It appears to be downloading happily now though, so I shall get back to you when it’s up so you can check it out - and yep, I designed the site myself, thanks for asking. No one appeared to deem it worthy of comment in the site check section (sigh).

Nobody ever comments in the site check section. I’ve post three differnt sites in there and nobody ever realy responds. The two people who ever realy do are lost in beta and Ilyse. I never saw your site there but I usaly check and comment there. It is a great site. I liked the dancer in the load screen.

What actions are u useing in your scroll box buttons. I have been trying to make up and down buttons that when you hold it will scroll for a while. Could you mabye post the code or an fla with how you made those. That would be great.:slight_smile:

I’m gone for a day or two so good luck with the sound stuff and if you could make something up with how you made your text scroll box that would be most excellent. :stuck_out_tongue:

The scroll box thing got on my nerves for ages - and I couldn’t find a tut for it anywhere - but I will happily post something on it for when you get back.

I still can’t get the **** sound to work - it seems so easy, and I had pretty much done what your flash did - but for some reason I’m still getting ‘target not found’ which is really beginning to Jack me Off. As far as I can see there is absolutely no reason that it shouldn’t work. Any clues??

Still can’t seem to get that footer to work - though it does in another forum - curiouser and curiouser…

Enjoy you trip.

Hey thanx 4 ur quick fla!
Im gonna check it out now, hopefully i understand the thing!!

Hey i went to ur site:
great site man!!

I wana learn how to do stuff like that, is it ok, if i ask u bout “this and that” later??.. when u get back!

Well thanks for the fla’s n ur help, appreciate it!


Hey sintax, got the stuff working, thanx for ur help!
Im the last one to download ur fla, so if u want u can remove it now!!..thanx.

Hey urbanscrawl, i got my sound to work, have u got urs working yet?

Let us know when ur back sintax, coz i have a few queries still, if u don’t mind!!!

Thanx for everything!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

nope - not yet, I’m wondering whether or not it has anything to do with the number of layers I’m using, any new layer comes up as Layer 178 or something because the site is quite big now, so the number it’s loaded into has has to be higher than that. I’m wondering if there are problems there.

I got a small version working but not one that works on the main site.

Hey I’m Back. If your layers are starting at 178 try loading your sounds into layer 999 or even a little higher. If you try to load onto and ocupied layer it won’t work.

That iEQ site was the first thing I ever did in Flash. It may look nice and have a cool load in but it is far from good. That site is so big in file size and so poorly laid out I can’t belive it even works. I really didn’t know what I was doing when I built that site. All that iEQ site realy is are a bunch of motion tweens and goto actions. My new site is much more advanced and better laid out.

YA any info on how you got it to scroll on a press and hold would be great.

ok - here we go some stuff on scrolling…:

First of all remember to edit the text box object so the text option varible name is Text.

Set the text box instance name to text box and paste this code into the action box.

onClipEvent (load){
Text = “<etc…>”;
onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if( scrolling == “up”){
if( scrolling == “down”){

the buttons you’ve made to make it go up and down should have:

on (press) {
scrolling = “down”;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
scrolling = 0;

on the down button, and:

on (press) {
scrolling = “up”;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
scrolling = 0;

on the up button.

Any other buttons will simply have as their actions:

on (release) {
textbox.Text = “<etc…>”;
if (textbox.scrolling == “up”) {
if (textbox.scrolling == “down”) {

which will then load different text into the boxes - simple.

David went into more detail when we first discussed it in the thread “Tell Targets - do they smell?”, his authoritative view was that they did.

By the way, just reading through some of the older posts - if a loading screen needs a loading screen is it not just a little big? That must be some cool stuff you’re doing there - what’s the site?

and thanks again

Hey, i got the sound working thanks!

Oh yeah by the way guys, if ur aftrer some funky scrolling text stuff, go to that cruciallimit site i mentioned before

he has a fla there that shows u how to do scrolling text with an inertia effect!! Juct click on:
> Laboratory
>Inertia scroll bar

Ok, what i would like to know is this:
In your IEQ site, see how u have buttons on the top? well once you press them, something loads up in the middle! Thats what i would like to know!! is that a seperate swf file?
All what ur doing is bringing in a seperate swf, containg the animation??
And all ur background stuff, thats on the main swf right?
So what i think is this:
You have a main swf, being your background and containing all the buttons, then once you select a button, you bring in another swf, and load it up in the middle.
Is that correct???

Oh yeah, and whats the link to your new site, or its not finished yet?


Hey guys So I guess I can take the sound FLA out because it seems like you both got it (hope it works for ya).

Urban Scrawl:
Thanks for the code I’m going to try it out right now. As for the loader thread you read there realy isn’t anything crazy. ZThe problem comes with tha flash loads each layer at a time. IF your preloader has more than one layer you might not see the layer that your loader is on until it is already finished. I you build a sub loader blank screen you will see a blank screen for 3 sec or so then your preloader from start to finish. THis stops the user form seeing your preloader layers load in one at a time which can look bad.

If I had knowen proper Flash Design when I built that site you would be correct in your assumption. But when I built that site I was quite green and didn’t know that technique. Like I said before that site is no more than tweens and goto statments. I have started building all my sites the way you you have assumed and it works great and it helps keep file size down. Here is a quick fla(link below) that will show you what you need to do to build a site that way. I built it to test how to build such a site.

Here is the link to my new site.
It is still far from finished but you can take a look. You can also just click website at the bottom of my posts. It always liks there.

Sorry dave forgot to attach the file :stuck_out_tongue:

Having a funny one with the sound actually - I think there may be a problem with the buttons they are a bit layer rich, and so the sound now works only on 2, 3, and obviously the OFF button - I’ll have a play with it and it should be ok.

Scott - that’s a very cool site you’ve designed there I particularly like the way everything has a bounce to it. It also looks very smooth - what’s the FR?

Truly digging your signature.

Scott: Cool site, its really good! So did you do that site then like the way i mentioned previously?

Do u know how to get a preloader happening, coz i tried one, and it didnt work!
It works if it was the main file on the net, but as you import it as a seperate swf, the preloader wont take into effect!
Hope you get what i mean!

The other thing i would like to know, whats all this 99 level stuff?
Like the sound fla you gave me, the level is on 99??
I have no idea what it means, or what it is???


Hey guys thanxs for the complemants on the site and the new footer. I was board at 3:00 AM.:slight_smile:

The FPS I use is usaly 30fps. The human eye can only pick up 25 FPS (which is the most common used among developers) I think a teacher told me once so I animate at a little faster to give it a real smooth look. Thanks for the code but I’m having some slight problems with it. Do you think you could mabye make a small FLA for me to look at. :slight_smile:

Actualy due to some action script this site isn’t built with external SWF’s it is just a bunch of movie clips. I wanted to build it with external SWF’s but may action script just wouldn’t alow it. As for your preloader question I’m a little unclear as to what you have asked. If you mabye want to explain it further I would be happy to help.

I use layer 99 as a External load layer. I use a high layer because there is usaly nothing on layer 99. Because it is an open layer I can load movies in and out without over writing some thing that I want on the screen. IF your animation goes up to layer 99 use layer 999. It is just a container layer that is going to be empty. It doesn’t even have to exsist on the main time line flash creates the layer as you load whatever SWF you want into it. Hope this answered your question but feal free to ask if it didn’t.:slight_smile:

Hey this is a pretty long post dont you reckon guys??
We might as well start talking bout out social lives!!
So what did u guys get up 2 on the weekend? :stuck_out_tongue:

Urbanscrawl: just out of curiosity, where bouts are you located?

Ok, back to Flash!

well lets go back to your very first site, the ieq one!
When you press a button on the top, see how it loads a new
animation below, well isn’t that a preloader you have happening when the Ieq logo appearas before the window actually opens,
and the animation plays???
Or is that just an animation???

Im assuming (the animation loading in the bottom) that is an external swf.

Another question: In your new site, would it be possible to add music to the background, like you did in that Ieq site?
And not affecct the animations / movies at all??
(stupid question probably, but im new to this)



Hey dave. I worked on web stuff all weekend so not a whole lot happend.

When I built the iEQ site I wasn’t smart enough to know about external SWF loading so they are just animations. I 'm curently working on re-designing that site so it will works that way.

With my new site it would be more than easy to add the background music wihtout affecting the animation(currenlty working on that now). When a site is designed properly no one element should drasticly affect another. This means that all the elements of a site should be interchangable. You should be able to take out your sound without affecting your animation. Right now I could take out the links section and button and the rest of the site would respond the exact same way thus the beauty that is flash.:stuck_out_tongue: