Sound in background?

Hey this is a pretty long post dont you reckon guys??
We might as well start talking bout out social lives!!
So what did u guys get up 2 on the weekend? :stuck_out_tongue:

Urbanscrawl: just out of curiosity, where bouts are you located?

Ok, back to Flash!

well lets go back to your very first site, the ieq one!
When you press a button on the top, see how it loads a new
animation below, well isn’t that a preloader you have happening when the Ieq logo appearas before the window actually opens,
and the animation plays???
Or is that just an animation???

Im assuming (the animation loading in the bottom) that is an external swf.

Another question: In your new site, would it be possible to add music to the background, like you did in that Ieq site?
And not affecct the animations / movies at all??
(stupid question probably, but im new to this)

