Hey I love this site. Its faster and more helpful than Flashkit. Anyway enough brown nosing, I noticed that the link to Sound under the Flash 5 category is not a hyperlink. It just behaves like text. Just wanted to let you know.
PS: disregard this message if it is supposed to be like that because there are no tutorials in Sound, adn I’ve just made an ass out of myself
It’s ok, and i’m glad you liked my site. There currently are no sound tutorials…for I’m working on a few. Once I have them done and ready, the link will work
I just wanted to say that I love this site, the tutorials are very easy. I am a juggler, and I am currently working an a fully animated flash presentation for a CD Rom. I found this site extremely helpful, and I hope you will be done with the sound tuturials ASAP , since I am a beginning flash user.