Sound loading problem

I have a movie that has a sound object in it. I load the sound fine in this movie with the following code:

var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();

then i have play/stop buttons with the following code on them:

on (release) {
 on (release) {

all of this actually works, but the problem arises when i load the movie into a loader movie clip of another movie, then nothing works/plays. i tried _root/_parent on everything and it didn’t work. any ideas?

any help is greatly appreciated.

well, I usually define sound objects and attach sounds in my _root movie.
then i call the sounds from other nested clips using _root.mysound.start(“mix”);
Also, you have to export the sound object for AS in your library. (right click, linkage…).
hope you can solve it =]

awesome, thanks a lot, defining it in the _root worked!