Sound loops

Okay, this is a bit of a long shot and I’m not sure if this is even the right place to post the question…

A couple of years ago, I started messing around with sound loops in Flash… found some decent sites that provided them 100% free (which is still good enough for me until I can afford to buy better stuff). I still have some of the loops, which is great since I’ll be needing some good music/beats for a CD-ROM I’m working on, which is based in Flash.

There’s this one site in particular where you would get multiple .wav files in a folder when you downloaded it. Basically, the various files would be different sections of the final song (which was the sample on the site) that you could then mix and match as you please. My question is, does anyone know what site I’m talking about, or one like it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


Did you try google yet? You would be able to pinpoint the site out better than us since you have seen it bephore…

Google is definetly where I would start…

Free Sound Loops


Did you try this one yet?

Yes, I did try Google… but I guess I’ll have to keep looking. I didn’t find much on this search engine. Thanks though.

BTW… that signature, Yeldarb, though it’s only somewhat funny, is really kind of offensive.

*Originally posted by aherrera *

BTW… that signature, Yeldarb, though it’s only somewhat funny, is really kind of offensive. **



What the hell is wrong with you? Since when are “maybe, probably, unlikely, etc.” offensive?

lol…you goon

I think he was tlaking about this fester…

They only call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken

Although I find it hilarious… :smiley: :trout: :frowning:

what I think you are looking for is the weekly 8-pack, which is
here - :wink:

Well, it’s the exact site I was looking for (I think it’s defunct)… BUT that’s basically what I was looking for. Thanks so much UNFLUX!! You rock. :wink: