Sound object problems - help needed


Having some problems with sound objects that makes me crazy. I have read through the tutorial found on [color=#696f7c][/color] and are using their codes combined with another source I found.

My swf structure is;

  • interface.swf (audiopage.swf gets loaded into a movie clip container, right_cont)
    – audiopage.swf
    ---- scrollable movie clip with buttons inside it to start audio

Now in my main interface.swf movie I have this in a first action frame spanning over the entire movie;

this.onLoad = function () {
}//END onLoad
this.onEnterFrame = function(){	
	dauer = int(mySound.duration /1000);
	position = int(mySound.position /1000);	
	// Total Zeit
	t_TrackZeit = {};
	t_TrackZeit.minutes = int(dauer/60);
	t_TrackZeit.seconds = int(dauer%60);	
	if(t_TrackZeit.seconds < 10){
		t_TrackZeit.seconds = "0" + t_TrackZeit.seconds;
// Bereits
	b_TrackZeit = {};
	b_TrackZeit.minutes = int((position)/ 60);
	b_TrackZeit.seconds =int((position)%60);
	if(b_TrackZeit.seconds < 10){
		b_TrackZeit.seconds = "0" + b_TrackZeit.seconds;
	// Ausgabe
	gesamtZeit.text = t_TrackZeit.minutes + ":" + t_TrackZeit.seconds;
	nochZeit.text = n_TrackZeit.minutes + ":" + n_TrackZeit.seconds;
	bereits.text = b_TrackZeit.minutes + ":" + b_TrackZeit.seconds;
	// Balken
	mySoundBytesTotal = mySound.getBytesTotal();
	mySoundBytesLoaded= mySound.getBytesLoaded();
if (preloadNow==1 && mySoundBytesLoaded>0) {
if (mySoundLoading==100) {
}//Close if-statement
//trace("mySoundBytesTotal: " + mySoundBytesTotal + " mySoundBytesLoaded: " + mySoundBytesLoaded + " mySoundLoading: " + mySoundLoading);

My buttons that preloads and loads the mp3’s have this format;

on (press) {
	_root.mySound = new Sound(_root.firstSoundMc);
	_root.trackInfo1 = "Artist - Title";

firstSoundMC is in the main interface.swf file

My problem here is that when I test interface.swf from within flash (test movie) and click a audio button, it auto play just fine. But when I upload it to my server, it just won’t auto play. It preloads fine with the bar moving but the sound never starts. I will then have to hit the play button in the player that has these actions;

on (press) {
//Sound is not playing and has not been paused
if (playing!=true) {
	if (paused!=true) { 
} //closes paused!=true
//Sound has been paused
if (paused==true) { 
	mySound.onSoundComplete = function() { 
} //Closes function
} //Closes paused==true
}//Closes playing!=true
}//Closes on press

No I have tried to include the code from the play button in various ways on the audio buttons but I get the same result all the time. The mp3 file just won’t auto play.

What am I doing wrong here? PLEASE help!!!

Oh and another problem

On the player in the main interface.swf I have a horizontal volume slide (from the tutorial site above). and there is some issues with this one as well. I have a movieclip called volCalc and on top of that I have the slider (drag, knob or whatever you want to call it) as a movie clip called hslider. The actionscript on hslider is;

onClipEvent(load) {
	left=(_root.hslider._x) - 50;
	top = _y;
	right=(_root.hslider._x) + 50;
	bottom = _y;
//End of load
onClipEvent(mouseDown) {
	startDrag(this, false, left , top , right, bottom)
onClipEvent(mouseUp) {
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
// This constantly sets the current a-axis position of
//the slider to "sliderx
sliderx=_root.hslider._x; //Sets sliderx as variable for a-axis of slider
	mySoundVolume=(sliderx-volCalc); //The value of x-axis load value - n = 50
	_root.mySound.setVolume((mySoundVolume) * 2);

Now this is working ok apart from one thing, the slider moves wherever I am in the movie. I don’t have to be on the slider, I can be at the top left of interface.swf and the slider moves. How can I limit this so that it’s only dragable when the mouse is over the slider? And because it slides over the full interface.swf movie, it affects the UltimateScroller from Floashloaded as well… sigh
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