Sound tutorial

yeah i was workin through this tutorial:

…and i was gettin the sounds to work with the play button, but i dont know how to stop the sound! hah if you could help me out that would be great.


That is the command to stop the sounds playing :slight_smile:

ok i added that action to the stop button and this came up when i tested the movie

Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 16, Frame=30: Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler

do you know what i did wrong?

you have to put it with and “on” handler:
for example:

on(release) {

release executes the action when the user releases the mouse button. press does it when the user presses… etc.

hah, i cant believe i forgot that. thanks

real quick question, lets say i wanted the song to fade in as i hit play, and to fade out when i hit stop…how would i go about doing that?