
I’m a new Flash user and I got MX about a week ago. I’m making a movie and I wanna know how to put sounds and music in there. Also, where can I get sound effects?

Where do I go on there?

look at the very top links for Sound loops

Also look at the boards link and go to the sound forum. Theres a sticky post there near the top (there should be) which explains a lot about sounds in Flash. Check it out

Thanks a bunch. Do any of you know of a sound editor to cut some parts out of songs or something like that?

Sound Forge.

Also look here:

and here:

and here:

Thanks. Oh wait, no one asnwered the original question though. How do you get the sounds into Flash? And where can I find some background sounds (like a beach or something)

Sound in flash: Look here:

Background sounds: try some links here:


go to properties, then it should display something that says sound: then it has a dropdown list. your song will be in there. Now you can choose what frame you want it on. and if you want it to loop just set it for how many times you want it to play.

hope this helps :slight_smile:

Ok thanks. I’ll try it