:pac: Heeeelp!
My project calls for a single swf that, sent a filename variable through the page in which it is embedded, will load a mp3 file and play it on demand. Whole process is called streaming. I got that down cold. But visualization! My client tells me that he wants visualization, like in Windows Media Player! Of course, I said, you can’t expect something that graphically appealing, out of Flash. But I still must relate some kind of visual aspect to the sound imported, updated only via script.
In fact, I was told by this needy consumer that the little sound-listening console at Flashkit would be a perfect result. Either a bunch of bars, or a windows-media-player-esque wave scope. That’s what I need, and I have no idea where it start with getting Flash to detect different qualities of the sound.
The only thing I could imagine would be user-set volume, balance, etc. but that would result in a box being resized by anything the user changes, so it’s out of the question.
I’m on a schedule; any help will be rewarded with my warm gratitude and twelve ounces of depleted uranium.