if I have two button driven sound events. How do I keep the sound from overlapping? I want the first one to stop and the next one to begin.
I did try the sound.stop() with the newsound constructor, but it’s acting weird.
Any thoughts?
if I have two button driven sound events. How do I keep the sound from overlapping? I want the first one to stop and the next one to begin.
I did try the sound.stop() with the newsound constructor, but it’s acting weird.
Any thoughts?
Two possibilities -
One is to add the linkage ID name to the stop command -
Or, and probably best, assign each sound to its own unique mc - like an empty clip, as in:
MySoundObject=new Sound(MCNameHere); //no quotes
I’ve got my sound object tutorial up and running at:
There are more examples there.
Have u attached the sounds to movieclips?
I had that problem and solved it by doing that.
Use something like this:
aSound = new Sound(aSoundContainer);
bSound = new Sound(bSoundContainer);
where aSoundContainer and bSoundContainer are movieclips to which u attach the sounds like:
soundfry and soundboil are the linkage ID names of the sounds.
where aSoundContainer and bSoundContainer are INSTANCE NAMES of movieclips to which u attach the sounds like:
If in doubt, put a stopAllSounds(); command in there somewhere, to stop everything before playing another. Providing this option still exists in MX of course…
thanks, fellers… ehheeh
I had tried the methods you described, except for the attachsound. I’ll give it a shot.
Thanks, Compadres!!
It is amazing that I had not run into that problem before… Isn’t it?
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