
How can i make it so that when u press A, a sound will play

the easiest way i know is to import the sound in a movie clip and give it an instance name sound(example: sound)
put a stop action in the first frame of the movie clip
then make a button and copy paste this:


onEnterFrame = function () {
	if (Key.isDown(65)) {
		thing = new Sound();

You have to export “sound.wav” for actionsript

Combine that with the Key class and you have what you’re after:

var snd:Sound = new Sound(this);
snd["onKeyDown"] = function ():Void {
 if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getCode()) == "A") {


I tried the one that looked simple

But the only problem is that when i click on the button it wont play … Do i have to do somethign with the linkage or something,
also i read the Tuts but it didnt help as much as u guys did >.<

did you put the sound into the movieclip?
maybe you missed the instance name. it worked fine for me
btw, make it on(press)

Yes i put the sound on a movieclip, should i delete the movie clip?

oh f***, i got it all wrong. i though A was a button:(
follow the advice of the guys above:)
follow vintage’s example:)