Space invaders fla!

hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had a good space invaders fla file they were willing to share with everyone. I wanted one so I could modify it with my own graphics and put it on my site, with a mention to the creator of course. Any takers?? Thanks Guys!

OK, maybe not everyone has one lying around, but does anyone know where to get one that is a fla?? Any websites that you smart people know about? Surely there must be a resource for these types of things?? If not, someone should make one!!! Thanks for any help guys!

ok, just one more question, how come no one ever answers my posts??

Don’t know C:-)

thanks kirupa, at least thats a reply. no but seriously, does anyone know about fla game downloads??

Try this:

I haven’t found many though :frowning:

yeah ive had a look at flash kit, not much there in terms of space invaders, but theres some other good game flas there. thanks anyway