Space Shooter problems in X and Y directions

This is my first post, so I hope someone out there who is reading this can help me. I am working on a project where I have two ships fly around the screen and shoot at each other (both controlled by people at the keyboard).

My problem is that I can not get the ship (just called “ship” in the file which is the white one in the top left of the screen, and for right now I am just working on getting this one working) to shoot correctly. I want the lasers to appear like they are coming out of the tip of the ship and then go off on their own path (like the ship in asteroids) AND for the lasers to follow the ship, right now they are just appearing in one spot. A few hours ago I somehow got them to move along the Y axis and shoot across the X, but I have no idea how to get that back again.

I have been looking at those tutorials for hours now and I can not get my code to work like theirs does, can anyone look at the code and lend a hand?

-JJS :block: