Spaceship flight

I am currently trying to make a simple space type scroller game and i am currently working on making the spaceship fly :slight_smile:
I have opened up the thrust space sample and copied the code from there and edited bits :), however would like the spaceship to fly up and down more like the way it flys right (forwards)

This is the code i have so far
I am really struggling with making the spaceship strafe up and down the same way it flys forward. whenthe spaceship flies up or down i don’t want it to rotate :slight_smile:

I have tried copying and pasting the code for the right movement to the up and down bits and altering it however i can’t get it to fly up or down

[edit] I would also like to make it so that when the key left is press the spaceship slows down steadily to a stop. (not stop suddenly or stop too slow like it would otherwise)

Please could someone help me :slight_smile:

[color=green][color=#000000][color=green]onClipEvent (load) {
 // declare and set initial variables
 thrust = 0.1;
 decay = .98;
 maxSpeed = 25;
[color=red]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 // rotate right or left
 if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
  _y -= 10;
 if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
  _y += 10;
 if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
  // calculate speed and trajectory based on rotation
  xSpeed += thrust*Math.sin(_rotation*(Math.PI/180));
  ySpeed += thrust*Math.cos(_rotation*(Math.PI/180));
  flames._visible = 1;
 } else {
  // deccelerate when Up Arrow key is released
  xSpeed *= decay;
  ySpeed *= decay;
  flames._visible = 0;
 // maintain speed limit
 speed = Math.sqrt((xSpeed*xSpeed)+(ySpeed*ySpeed));
 if (speed>maxSpeed) {
  xSpeed *= maxSpeed/speed;
  ySpeed *= maxSpeed/speed;
 // move spaceship based on calculations above
 _y -= ySpeed;
 _x += xSpeed;
 // loop to opposite side of the stage when the spaceship travels off-screen
 if (_y<0) {
  _y = 300;
 if (_y>300) {
  _y = 0;
 if (_x<0) {
  _x = 600;
 if (_x>600) {
  _x = 0;

Thank you :slight_smile:
I hope you understand what i meant