I have the following AS2 code which creates dynamic buttons based on an array:
var labels_array:Array = new Array({label_txt:">> arquitectura industrial", gotoX:"partners"}, {label_txt:">> edificación", gotoX:"team"});
var initX:Number = 0;
//row starting X coord
var nextX:Number = initX;
//first X coord for button
var nextY:Number = 0;
//first Y coord for button
var wrapY:Number = 0;
//will start new row after this many buttons
var selectedButton:MovieClip;
var container_mc:String = "";
for (var i:Number = 1; i<labels_array.length; i++) {
container_mc = "cont"+i;
this[container_mc].attachMovie("button_mc","button_mc",this.getNextHighestDepth,{_x:nextX, _y:nextY});
this[container_mc].button_mc.name_txt.text = labels_array*.label_txt;
this[container_mc].button_mc.tweenTo = labels_array*.gotoX;
if (i == (wrapY-1)) {
wrapY += 1;
//if there were more than two rows this would start new row after every 6 buttons
//line next button up under first button
nextX = initX;
nextY += 0;
} else {
//set next button to the right of previous button
nextX += 140;
the variable nextX places a new button every given number of pixels, in this case 140px. What I’ll like to do is to make this value dynamic so that a new button is placed taking into account the width of the preceding button, plus a certain number of pixels. I’ve tried my best to do it myself, but I’m not that good with math, can anyone help?