I have never realy suffered from spam emails in the past but just lately I have begun receiving about 5-10 every day, they all seem to be in the same vain a word or a short centance with one or more attchments. They make me laugh here are a few of the messages I’v had.
"SMTP: Please confirm the attached message."
Attchment: data.pif
ummm… no! lol
"Please read the important document."
Attchment: information.doc.pif
Im still on, NO!
» Try this game
» I have attached your file. Your password is jkl44563.
» I hope you accept the result!
» you feel the same
Heaps are mail returned mail
or send failed
which worried me 'cos I thought I may have had a virus sending emails (though I use thunderbird not outlook(express)) but no virus scanner has picked anything up yet.
But my favorite one so far is
**Subject: Spam
Are you a spammer? (I found your email on a spammer website!?!)
+++ Attachment: No Virus found
+++ Bitdefender AntiVirus - www.bitdefender.com
Attchment: abuse_list_richard.exe
I hate it when my name appears in the message (or in this case the attchment)
Anyone else had any like this ? :ogre: