How do you make a movieclip spawn more than once and stop spawn when 1minute is up(and there is a restart button to make the whole process happen again after the time is up)??
i want the movieclips to move from the right to the left till the end of the platform.
Details of requirement:
-Stage is 700 by 600
-2 MovieClip called: Apple and Orange
-MovieClips are moving ONLY horizontally.(Currently i have made them move horizontally but unable to make it spawn more)
Current Problem faced and needed help:
-As they move, i need the movieclips TO NOT overlap one another but they are moving spawning out at random speed and random movement(random movement meaning they come up randomly) and moving horizontally ONLY.
math.random() is one of the methods i tried for random spawn but could not get the results. And i could not get the movieclips to spawn more than once.
Is there any way to get MANY of the spawns and get them to not overlap one another??