Special characters problem

Hi everyone.

First of all I’d like to apologize for not having the decency to introduce myself properly before I barge in and demand help, but I couldn’t find any thread named “introductions”, and I didn’t really know where to post it.

I’m having a spot of trouble with special characters in Flash and XML. What I’m doing is that I’m loading text into dynamic textfields from an XML-file with embedded fonts for displaying in Flash.

Things I have checked:

The font in question does have the norwegian special characters.

I am using the system.useCodepage = true; - command

The funny thing is that when I preview it on my local drive everything looks peachy, but when I test it on my server the special characters don’t show up.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?


does your server need to have anyhing installed for the speacial chars? for example if they are not on the server they cannot be displayed.

btw i may be way off just quick idea :slight_smile:

I can’t imagine the problem being on the server. The characters are embedded in a shared library swf with the characters, and they are written into the xml file.

Also; The characters show up nicely when I write them directly into the flash movie, so it seems like something goes wrong between the XML and the dynamic textfield.


hmm, im not sure then sorry…

I’m thankful for all suggestions. :slight_smile:
Anyone else have an idea?
