Special cursor dealie?


I had an idea for a fun cursor… but i have no idea how to built it. I would like to have a circle be the main part of the cursor, but then have 8 lines with fixed endpoints in the corners and midpoints of the stage. When the cursor is moved, the lines change size and alter their direction, so it looks like the cursor is “webbed” to the edges of the stage…

I dunno if this makes sense…
please help me out if it does.

well you can have each line dynamically draw it self on the mouse move like this.

mickey = new Object();
mickey.onMouseMove = function(){
line1.moveTo("the fixed x","this fixed y")

sorry i don’t know if everything is correct im writing this from memory ( i don’t have flash on this comp.)

im not sure if you really need the line1.clear() though