Specific problem with a preloader

I’m having quite a confusing problem hehe:

  • im using a box to mask one image which then unveals (ie the mask moves) during the loading of the flash file…
  • my problem is that the loader itself takes some space so the thing actually starts around 8 or 10%…
  • I was brainwashed and wasted by alcohol yesterday and I can’t think clearly… can anyone help ??

thnx, mlkDesign

would a pre-loader for your preloader also take into consideration having to load the real movie?? im not to experienced with preloaders so the best i can think of is to pre-load your pre-load (that is unless it wants to load the main one as well)…hmmmm…if i think of something better i’ll let you know

actually having thought about it a bit longer i should just check how many bytes is my pre-preloader and start the real thing only then with the getTotalBytesLoaded() minus the size of the prepreloader… That might help. I’ll try it, thnx though !