Spinning 3D circle


I know how to spin a circle around (please look at the logo at http://www.parkstkdacademy.com/home.html). But how do you spin a 3d circle? in other words if my logo has a side to it (like a coin for example), how do you spin that?

Thank you


What is swift3d?

type it in google and find out.

you might be able to just use a motion tween and sqeeze the logo horzontaly all the way then bring it back to normal size

the problem is the thickness. You dont get that with the scaling (as is done in the example). swift3D is the probably the best solution, though you might be able to get away with a solid thickness using another circle scaled behind the main spinning circle in a way that would make it appear as the solid edge. Could take some toying with to look right (if it will work at all).

Swift3d is not free and it’s not cheap.


i like the man walking from your web site. It’s really cool. how do you do that? Thx