Spirit Picture

Hey everyone,

Heres something I’ve been playing with, what do ya think?

  • Soul :goatee:

wow, I really, really like that. Good colors. Nice job! :tie:


wow, thats how I imagine my spirit ;p

It’s like a flame… Deep. :slight_smile:

Thanks :beam:

At least I’m getting the right images/themes accross…

  • Soul :goatee:

sweet dude, what did you do? paths? it looks so sweet no matter what!

Thank you :bounce:

  • Soul :goatee:

a liquid of flames!
Good work! I like it!

isht fantastic.

I think the bottom left could look a little smoother, but that’s only if you wanna turn into a crazy perfectionist.

great graphic. gets the theme across extremely well if you have an idea what you’re looking at.

It got no comments at Deviantart :frowning:

  • Soul :goatee:

what program(s) did you use to make it? it looks very nice

All Photoshop 7…

  • Soul :goatee:

hm… this is so cool… but now… like what do you exactly start with to come up with all this stuff? :q:

I don’t no if i like the scan lines on it. maybe just becasue they are used so often. The over all image is nice and hits the theme you where looking for so nice work.:wink: