Split. Not really understanding it

That title is sort of deceiving, because I see how it works. What I’m attempting to accomplish with it, however, is confusing to me. Let’s see if I can explain this without looking like an idiot. I’m just beginning to try to learn a bit of PHP, however, so i’m sure I will look like an idiot by the end of this post.

For a site I’m working on, the idea is to have the client be in charge of any content editing. So for instance, there is a news section, they can post/edit whatever they like via a simple text file, and it appears on the site by way of a php fread, leaving us without the pain in the *** of copywriting and such.

So say my text file looks like this:


where \\ is a separator. I am told I can “split” the \\ into an array, where 0=sometext, 1=sometext2, and so forth. I will then create a loop in order to display the text.

Does this sound correct in theory? Again, apologies if I sound retarded here. And if this is correct, could someone help me out with the PHP code? I have the fread all set up correctly I think.

   $file = fopen("tester.txt","r");