Splitting external Vars to be loaded into an array of objects

This part loads the vars that I have in my getLinks.txt file.
[AS]TempLinkLoadVars = new LoadVars();
TempLinkLoadVars.onLoad = function() {
gLinksArray = this.tempLinks.split("|");

it works very nicely, but i want to combine both of the sections of code to load my vars into an object that is located in an array.

this actionscript has objects declared and defined and applied to my allLinks array so I can manipulate them.
function Link(linkTitle, linkUrl, linkCategory, linkDescription) {
this.linkTitle = linkTitle;
this.linkUrl = linkUrl;
this.linkCategory = linkCategory;
this.linkDescription = linkDescription;
allLinks = [];
allLinks.push(new Link(“Google”, “http://www.google.com”, “Search”, “Great Search Engine”));
allLinks.push(new Link(“Yahoo”, “http://www.yahoo.com”, “Portal”, “Advertisement Central”));
allLinks.push(new Link(“Ask Jeeves”, “http://www.aj.com”, “Search”, “Decent Search Engine”));
allLinks.push(new Link(“Boundless-Vision”, “http://www.boundless-vision.com”, “Personal”, “My personal website”));
allLinks.push(new Link(“Kirupa”, “http://www.kirupa.com”, “Tutorial”, “Great Tutorial Site”));
trace(“Original data:”);
for (i=0; i<allLinks.length; i++) {
trace(i+" “+allLinks*.linkTitle+” “+allLinks*.linkUrl+” “+allLinks*.linkCategory+” “+allLinks*.linkDescription);
After sort on linkUrl:");
for (i=0; i<allLinks.length; i++) {
trace(i+" “+allLinks*.linkTitle+” “+allLinks*.linkUrl+” “+allLinks*.linkCategory+” "+allLinks*.linkDescription);
}[/AS] ----

Example of what I would like to accomplish …
where “&” denotes the beginning and end of file.
where “|” denotes paramaters of each object.
where “,” denotes the next object of the array eg, link2.

VARS.txt - &link1=link1_title|link1_url|link1_category|link1_description,link2=link2_title|link2_url|etc…&

or something very similar.
Not quite sure if those are the best var ‘splitters’ or not.

I have not been able to pin this script down… it’s just out of my reach…
Might be having a bad day…

Thanks For the help!