Spooono tutorial suggestion

Hey, i’m thinking of writing a tutorial for the spoono tutorial contest :smiley:

I’m just wondering, would you be interested in seeing how http://pub2.bravenet.com/guestmap/show.php?usernum=137405393&lightmap=0&icons=0&&entrylist=0&zoom=0&welcome=1 is done?


Okay goodie, i’ll write a tutorial for that then… heh, hope i get a tee shirt.

that is a awesome map like to see tutorial

Haha, awesome, i just found a bug on that map where you can put your little guy off the map.

haha, the page was meant to be a pop up… and since i have MyIE2, the popup becomes a window.

I’ll keep that in mind when i write the tutorial, thanks :smiley: