SPORE Creature Editor


I’ll just wait till Spore comes out lol…I can’t wait to make those Human-like clones like in Master of Orion 3 hahahaha. ONE DAY, I WILL RULE THE UNIVERSE. Till that day…

1 hour and 40minutes to be exact!

I’m gonna make predator the best I can.

Counting down the minutes too? I can’t wait.

This has to be one of the best sopre creatures created yet :lol:

This one is hilarious too

^There are better ones online lol.

I can’t wait for work to be done so I an play it.

This game might break my warcraft addiction.

I honestly can’t comprehend what people find fun about this game or Little Big Planet for PS3, guess I’m getting old :lol:

^Its like legos you get to see what you make and have fun. Grim your not old! You will probably like the full game there really isn’t much point of the creature creator… you can’t even attack stuff (you can click the attack buttons but no physical attacking).

Grim you don’t think Little Big Planet looks fun… maybe you are getting old mentally.

Hmm… when spore comes out you will realize you were wrong and love it (the creature creator is a little dull I’ll admit it after a while).

[QUOTE=Templarian;2345099]^Its like legos you get to see what you make and have fun. Grim your not old! You will probably like the full game there really isn’t much point of the creature creator… you can’t even attack stuff (you can click the attack buttons but no physical attacking).

Grim you don’t think Little Big Planet looks fun… maybe you are getting old mentally.

Hmm… when spore comes out you will realize you were wrong and love it (the creature creator is a little dull I’ll admit it after a while).[/QUOTE]

Dude I don’t even like GTA4 I just dont like games that have no point or goals I dont like open games IDK I just dont.

I grew up playing linear games I guess I’m just accustomed to linear games with boundries.

Like I said I’m either getting old, wierder or games are just sucking real bad.

I hope its the games cause looking at Nintendo, yeah its definitely the games :lol:

^No fallout 3 I suppose?

You must dislike Bethesda Game Studios then… hehe (my favorite company ever).

Never liked sim city huh?

My Account. My brother might also be uploading things to it. Right now it has Drako, my dragon.

Anybody know the min specs it takes to run on a mac?

6600 is the lowest model graphics card. I believe unless your mac is before pre colonial times you should be able to run at least the creature creator (the full game probably takes a little more).

I can’t wait for someone to make one of these. :love:

[QUOTE=Templarian;2345537]6600 is the lowest model graphics card. I believe unless your mac is before pre colonial times you should be able to run at least the creature creator (the full game probably takes a little more).[/QUOTE]

Not if you do this little trick :wink:

Seems like EA is watching those nasty creatures and is sending out warnings to their creators so I won’t be surprised if they start banning people

More info here

^:lol: V****asaurs.

I’m running the creator on my crappy as hell GMA 950 laptop. I think some shading is off but it works great other than that.

Here’s my accout