Sprite.alpha problems


I have a sprite that contains a graphic and a text field object. When I set the alpha of this sprite to 0 only the graphic becomes transparent but the text field doesn’t any clue why this is happening and what is the solution to this problem?

if you are not trying to fade the textfield, you could set it’s visible property to false.
i think you need to embed the font or something to enable transparency…

^i tried setting embedFonts to true once, and the fonts arent rendered… is there something else that should be done?

This is simply fade effect fluent appearance.
The Font to embed not it is necessary.
Close all white square and change his alpha.

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

var i:int=0;
var j:int=0;
var f_tween = new  Tween(f_mc, "rotation", None.easeOut, 0, 360, 1, true); 		
var white_rect_tween = new  Tween(white_rect, "alpha", None.easeOut, 1, 0, 5, true); 		

white_rect_tween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, function(TweenEvent){
 if (j%2==0)
  if (i==0) 
  {i=1;my_text.text="THIS MEGA GOOD";}
  {i=0;my_text.text="This is simply fade effect fluent appearance.
  "The Font to embed not it is necessary.
  "Close all white square and change his alpha!";

example to look

Hi yea thanks all for the responses and tried embedding the fonts but as John said that dont rendered anymore. any suggestions.

i did a bit of reading, and you don’t just setEmbed = true. I think you really need to embed the font, like amarghosh said using [embed] tags, or you could do it through the Library panel of Flash CS3.

Hi I have embed the fonts using libray symbol but as I posted in another thread after embedding the font my text now appears blured and not as crisp as before and this is really annoying. Any help will be well appreciated.
