I have sprites with dynamically created children: combo-boxes, buttons, and textfields. The number of children is variable and they’re positioned vertically one under the other. If a sprite contains textfields only, its height corresponds to the joint height of all children + the spaces between them. In the case of sprites containing combo-boxes and buttons however, the sprite height is larger.
I may be on the wrong track here, but it seems that what is responsible is the object bounds. E.g. if my button height is 25 and getBounds returns 100, the sprite’s height is larger by 75 pixels.
The sprites are loaded into a scroll-pane, and depending on their size, the vertical bar is visible (or not). Obviously the above results in situations where a scroll-bar appears even though the entire contents of the sprite is visible, or one scrolls down to an empty space…
Is there a way around this problem? Can object bounds be re-sized as well or can I overwrite this ‘100’ value somewhere in Flash itself?