Sprite.numChildren help!

Hello I don’t know why this is not working everything looks fine to me.

I am creating buttons and adding them to two static sprites _mainSprite to hold main buttons and _leftSprite to hold left buttons.

When I am tracing the value of _mainSprite.numChildren inside the constructor its coming out to be “4” which is the number of top buttons. BUT WHEN I TRACE THE SAME VALUE INSIDE A STATIC CLASS FUNCTION THAT RETURNS _MAINSPRITE ITS COMES OUT TO BE “0”.

I have tried everything and now need help.

Here is the code for my class


 import flash.display.*;
 public class CreateMenuItems extends Sprite
  // Class properties
  private static var _mainSprite:Sprite;
  private static var _leftSprite:Sprite;
  private var j:int = 0;
  private var k:int = 0;
  // Class Constructor
  public function CreateMenuItems(mArray:Array)
    _mainSprite = new Sprite();
   _leftSprite = new Sprite();
for (var i:int = 0; i < mArray.length; i++)
    var siteButton:DisablingButton = new DisablingButton(mArray*);

    if ( mArray*.id == 0)
     siteButton.x = siteButton.width * j;

      siteButton.y = siteButton.height * k ;

   } // end of for loop
   **// If I trace here inside the constructor it gives 4**
  } // end of constructor
 public static function mainSprite():Sprite
**      // If I trace here inside return sprite function it gives 0
 **     trace(_mainSprite.numChildren);
   return _mainSprite;

  public static function leftSprite():Sprite
   return _leftSprite;



Thanks in advance