Srollbar problem

Hi all!

Can anyone tell me why everything works when moving the scroll bar but as soon as I write in the script for the scrolling the text, it does NOT work? Here is the action. i have highlighted what is NOT working. Thanks so much :slight_smile:

var scrollUpper:Number = 26.9;
var scrollLower:Number = 205.4;
var textLower:Number = -242.2
var textUpper:Number = 725.3;
var scrollRange:Number = scrollLower - scrollUpper;
var scrollText:Number = textLower - textUpper;
function scroll () {
var moved:Number = scroller_mc._y - scrollUpper;
var pctMoved:Number = moved/scrollRange;
var textMove:Number = pctMoved*textRange;
text_mc._y = textLower - textMove;
scroller_mc.onPress = function() {
this.startDrag(false,this._x,scrollUpper,this._x,s crollLower);
this.onMouseMove = scroll;
scroller_mc.onRelease = scroller_mc.onReleaseOutside = function() {
**this.onMouseMove = null;