startDrag and buttons

(attatched .fla file)

Well… I’m trying to make a dragable menu…
And I can’t seem to make a dragable object with links on it.

Solution anyone?

thanks alot.

your problem is fairly simple. You have put your startDrag(); action on the MC containing the clickable links. The problem with this is that with that all your links will be overridden by the startDrag script, meaning that when you click a link it will apply the startDrag action to the MC. Inside the ball MC, you should make the stage-level ball object a nested MC and apply your startDrag actions there using _root.ball.startDrag(); instead of this.startDrag(). Then put your links on a layer above the ball. This way, you’ll obtain what you’re after.

Thanks alot dude, that worked!
Credits to you my friend!