startDrag(container) after using container.loadMovie()

I’m stumped, plain & simple.

I have a container that loads SWFs and I want to be able to startDrag on that container after a SWF has been loaded. onRelease it will stopDrag, duplicate the MC, set the _x & _y of new MC to _x & _y of container at point of stopDrag, and place the container in it’s original _x & _y.

here’s what i’m using so far,

piecePreview.onPress = function(){ 
piecePreview.onRelease = function(){ 
   name = ["_" + totalPieces]; 
   name._x = piecePreview._x; 
   name._y = piecePreview._y; 
   piecePreview._x = 692; 
   piecePreview._y = 10; 

Everything works great untill an SWF has been loaded into the container. I’ve tested setting _alpha & some other things to the container after the loadMovie() has taken place and they all work yet startDrag() just takes a crap on me

Just for peetsake here’s how i’m loading into the container,

function previewPiece(){ 

This function is the change handler for a listbox.