Startdrag from external swf not working

This is driving me insane…

SWF A is a photo gallery, SWF B is an mp3 player. B has a volume control slider…

When i launch B by itself everything works. When i load B into A and launch A the slider does not work… Every other button from B works… The sliders on mouse down is firing (i traced it). The drag aspect from B’s slider just wont slide when loaded from A.

here is the code:

	/* volumeStartDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
		 * Returns a mathematical value that we can use to adjust the volume
		 * the value is the relation of the volume ball to the line
		function volumeStartDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
			/* */
			initialX = comp_volume.volume_ball.x ;
			comp_volume.volume_ball.startDrag(false, rectangle);
			dragging = true;
			comp_volume.volume_ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, adjustVolume); 
		/* adjustVolume(event:Event):void 
		 * We adjust the volume based upon the value from volumeStartDragging
		function adjustVolume(event:Event):void 
			volumeLevel = (Math.round(comp_volume.volume_ball.x) ) / 100 ;
			trace("volume level " + volumeLevel);
			if (volumeLevel > 1) {
				volumeLevel = 1;				
			var mySoundTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(volumeLevel);
			if (soundChannel != null) {
				soundChannel.soundTransform = mySoundTransform;	

I have tried so many variations and nothing works… I even created a listener on A that fires when B loads and then attaches B to a container and that does not work… Any ideas.

Thanks in advance…