my first post here…okay
so im starting to program a small car game…like grand theft auto…
but in the first step im trying to figure out the movement of the car
but now…i dont know how to add some kind of friction…so that the cars stops after a certain distance and…how can i controll the acceleration?
StageWidth = 600;
StageHeight = 400;
arrowMC._x = 550;
arrowMC._y = 350;
porsche_mc.speed = 5;
friction = .5;
_root.attachMovie("arrow_mc", "arrowMC", 50);
porsche_mc.onEnterFrame = moveStuff;
function moveStuff() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
porsche_mc._rotation -= 2;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
porsche_mc._rotation += 2;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
rot = Math.PI/180*porsche_mc._rotation;
//trace("Rotation: "+porsche_mc._rotation+" Bogenmaß: "+rot+" Sinus: "+Math.sin(rot)+" Kosinus: "+Math.cos(rot)+" Tangens:"+Math.tan(rot));
xSpeed = speed*Math.cos(rot);
ySpeed = speed*Math.sin(rot);
porsche_mc._x += xSpeed;
porsche_mc._y += ySpeed;
if (this._x>StageWidth+(this._width/2)) {
this._x = 0-(this._width/2);
if (this._x<0-(this._width/2)) {
this._x = StageWidth+(this._width/2);
if (this._y>StageHeight+(this._height/2)) {
this._y = 0-(this._height/2);
if (this._y<0-(this._height/2)) {
this._y = StageHeight+(this._height/2);