Hi all,
Nice place you have here! I’ve been lurking around for sometime but I thought I’d finally start posting.
Here is my situation, I want to know AS. Specifically AS3. I know its not going to be easy and probably quite painful but I still want to know it. I’m a decent PHP coder with a couple of years of coding under my belt. I took a very long break recently, around the time it became OOP, (pre PHP5) I think it was because of that I took my long break. It scared and amazed me, which to me was more scarer then amazing.
Anyway that being said I want to learn AS3 for a couple of reasons. Reasons enough for me to grind my teeth and get down to it. I, at this moment know how to Hello World! and thats about it…
The way I learn to program is by trying to make something rather then following a tutorial and I’m in need of something to make! Can anyone suggest something that someone new to the whole scene can try and make, which wouldn’t be too easy nor too hard? I’ve got no idea what so every atm…