Static Comps Are Simply Not Enough |

by kirupa | 20 October 2013

If there is one thing that that hasn't changed in all these years, it is the role of the comp. Sure, they may now be attached in an e-mail or inserted into a PowerPoint as opposed to carried on giant pieces of paper, but their job description is the same. Comps are still widely used to communicate the design for what needs to be created.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This ex-Adobe person more-or-less agrees:

Cool! I still don’t think designers need to code to be useful in a team. They simply need to know what is or isn’t possible in whatever medium they are communicating an idea for. Coding is the ultimate solution, but another great solution is simply asking questions on what is or isn’t possible. Now, that only works if you trust the person answering your question. Some developers would prefer an easier route and be less than honest about what isn’t possible haha.