Static, or instances?


this may be an easy question, I’ve never used static variables before, but it looks like the best solution in this case.
I’m building a Menu class that can be controlled from the Document class with little extra code. Basically, every screen is a seperate instance of MenuScreen (extends Sprite) which is placed on the stage, and switched when commanded to (either by the user, or the Document class). There will be several things on these screens like header texts, normal texts and more (buttons, checkboxes). The header and normal texts have different formats, but always the same format on every screen. Would it be best to give each new MenuScreen an instance of HeaderFont, and NormalFont, or would it be better to refer to a seperate class with static constants for the fonts?

I first thought having a seperate class (MenuFonts) would be better, as it uses less memory, because not every screen has to remember the 2 instances. Is this true? I’m not sure.

In any case, here is the code I use for the MenuFonts class, is that how it’s supposed to be?

	import flash.text.TextFormat;

	public class MenuFonts
		public static const HEADER:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
		HEADER.size = 20;
		HEADER.color = "0x000000";
		HEADER.bold = true;

		public static const NORMAL:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
		NORMAL.size = 12;
		NORMAL.color = "0x000000";
		HEADER.bold = false;