Hi see this game
Now what they have used to check the ans is they had store the x(say x=200)and y(say y= 300) value of solutions to a variable and whenever it matches you win , the problem is that if you drag all these stick to some other places(then x and y values changes), and then chk you wont be havng right ans , now i want to have other logic to do this … any help
HI guys , i got stuck with the ans checking logic to this type of game…help me …
i am having 88 grid and i am having a move clip, whenevr you release that movie clip it should attached itself to its nearby Grid(88)…any help
var g_gridSpacing:Number = 40;
_mc.onRelease = _mc.onReleaseOutside=function () {
// Stop Dragging
X = this._x;
// Reference X Pos
Y = this._y;
// Reference Y Pos
if (X<320 && Y<320) {
this._x = Math.round(X/g_gridSpacing)*g_gridSpacing;
// Round to nearest GridSpace
this._y = Math.round(Y/g_gridSpacing)*g_gridSpacing;
// Round to nearest GridSpace
Thanks but i want something like this …see the fla…
var g_gridSpacing:Number = 40;
_mc.onRelease = _mc.onReleaseOutside=function () {
// Stop Dragging
X = this._x;
// Reference X Pos
Y = this._y;
// Reference Y Pos
if (X<320 && Y<320) {
this._x = Math.round(X/g_gridSpacing)*g_gridSpacing;
// Round to nearest GridSpace
this._y = Math.round(Y/g_gridSpacing)*g_gridSpacing;
// Round to nearest GridSpace
you need to use hitTest
draw a copy of your grid
make each mtach stick position an mc and put a reference to each stick position in an array
then alpha copy grid to 0
when moving a matchstick, on release just do a hitTest to array of alpha out matchsticks in a for loop
the sticks do not have to snap to _x and _y but if you want them to they can match the _x and _y of the match with alpha O
this will also easily give you a match to see if the game is finished
hope this helps
[quote=neilmmm;2335609]you need to use hitTest
draw a copy of your grid
make each mtach stick position an mc and put a reference to each stick position in an array
then alpha copy grid to 0
when moving a matchstick, on release just do a hitTest to array of alpha out matchsticks in a for loop
the sticks do not have to snap to _x and _y but if you want them to they can match the _x and _y of the match with alpha O
this will also easily give you a match to see if the game is finished
hope this helps[/quote]
well if you can post a fla then i can have some idea…right now i am not able to make it