Stolen user names

i pretty much use the same username everywhere i go on the web. something that is likely not to be taken, yet easy to remember.

lately when i have been trying to register at places, it has been saying that my username is already in use. after 8 years of using this username that has never been a problem!

has anyone else been having a problem with their username being robbed from them?

Yeah. I used to go by John Smith ALL the time. Now it’s like there are more people than ever making accounts at places and I don’t get to have my name.

You could go with something really complex like spyderfxmakestopicnamesthatsoundinterestingbutarenot. I don’t think that would be used.


That’s got to be frustrating. Luckily my name is unique enough I have never ran into that and I use it for everything.

Although I did have a crazy ex girlfriend manage to track me down via it once. So it can be bad too :wink:

its not frustrating. just weird that someone would start using the exact same thing

If only the internet had a dibs function.

GOSH, to think that of the 1.4 Billion + internet users, someone else would come up with your particular generic handle! :violin:


there may be 1.4 billion users, but there are an infinite number of letter combinations. and of those 1.4 billion users, how many of those are english speaking? more likely someone saw it and decided to take.

Don’t flatter yourself. It’s not that creative of a username.

indiasfinest was never taken until last year

Ive never had my nick taken anywhere. Im so pro ;D

I’ve always wanted to be able to create an awesome unique username that I could use everywhere. I failed. I suck at thinking up usernames. :hang:

You’d think senoucular would be unique enough - most people don’t even know its a real word…


… posers :sure:

I’m the only Canadian so I have no problems.

I use the tag of MadSquabbles now because redelite is everwhere (thanks to halo)… but seems lately even that one is getting jacked :frowning: … I mean seriously, how do you think of MadSquabbles at random…

sekasi means a lot of different things in different languages so it’s very often taken.

Luckily my standard backup name, s4k551_xxl33t__ is always free.

That’s quite the alternative.

[quote=sekasi;2359150]sekasi means a lot of different things in different languages so it’s very often taken.

Luckily my standard backup name, s4k551_xxl33t__ is always free.[/quote]
why not just use sk33t__sk33t__sk33t?

BS is always taken. Blakeshannon is my back up <-usually works.

DanOnTheMoon is taken on a few sites. Sons of… :a: