Stop a function onRollOut

Hello everyone,

I have some thumbnails on my stage inside a movieclip, and the following code which basically moves them right or left, when the mouse goes right or left. What I want to do is stop the scrolling when I rollout the movieclip which contains the thumbnails.

Here is the code:

panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver() {
    this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
    delete this.onRollOver;

function scrollPanel() {
    if (_xmouse<b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse>b.yMax) {
        this.onRollOver = panelOver;
        delete this.onEnterFrame;
    if (panel._x>=2600) {
        panel._x = 2600;
    if (panel._x<=-1800) {
        panel._x = -1800;
    var xdist = _xmouse-250;
    panel._x += Math.round(-xdist/7);


Any suggestions? :blush: