Stop addChild from affecting Mouse_Over

Hi all

I have a box that glows when you hover over it and also there is a mouse trail.

The problem is that when the mouse goes over a part of the mouse trail it stops the button from glowing. (as it will trigger the mouse_out)

How do I get it so that the mouse trail does not affect the mouse over.

Also, related to the same thing…

If I dont have it as a mouse trail but just random circles appearing in my box when you mouse_over how do I get it so that the mouse over is not affected when the mouse goes over one of the circles created by addchild?

I have attached a small sample of the problem I’ve got in my actual file. Hope I’ve made it as simple to understand as poss.

My guess would be to create a transparent movie clip and keep putting it at the top of the stage(highest level - numChildren-1). How would I do this???

Thanks in advance