Stop external FLV from loading on exit frame

I am using the video component player and it is working fine using this code:

video.setMedia("elements/flv/episode_1.flv", "FLV");

The problem is, if someone is playing the video and goes to another part of the flash movie, the video keeps playing or loading in the background. The video image doesn’t show, but i can hear the audio or see in the browser that it is still loading.

How can i kill the video from loading once the playhead moves from the frame that the video player is on (it is sitting on a single frame)? Thanks in advance!

A little bit’a bump.

Just looking to find out how to stop an FLV from loading. Thanks.

have tried video.stop(); and video.close(); which both don’t quite work right. video.stop(); definately stops it from playing, but it continues to stream the FLV in the background. If anyone has suggestions i would love to hear them. Thanks.

thank you for posting this, it seems it would be the answer to my problem (which is that the audio from the flv keeps playing after exiting the frame it’s in, just like the original post described).
i just don’t know how to implement what you describe, for example, when you say:

"making a simple player with the netstream component"
i have no idea what you mean by that.
could you possibly break it down in step-by-step instructions?

note: what i have on my stage is an instance of a movie clip symbol which contains an FLV_playback component (which has the flv indicated in “source”, under parameters).

also, when you say “i created a video object” - how do you do that? how is that different from bringing an flv_playback component from the library?
then you say: "then i created a play/pause button. I attached this code:"
where does the code go? in the frames within the button symbol, or in the scene where the button is placed?

as you can see, i’m a total novice.
i’d so appreciate your help!
thank you in advance.

[quote=polishbroadcast;655368]This goes on the frame with the player:

var netConn:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var netStream:NetStream= new NetStream (netConn);


.attachVideo (netStream);



I created a video object, put it on the stage and gave it an instance name of “video”. Then i created a play/pause button. I attached this code:

on (release) {


Apparently the


command pauses and unpauses the video alternately, each time it is issued. It isn’t fancy, but my videos stop streaming when i move to another part of the site. Whew![/quote]