Stop replay on return

[COLOR=#282828][FONT=Ubuntu]Is there any way to stop replay of the swf when the visitor returns to the page?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#282828][FONT=Ubuntu]For example, visitor comes to page, swf plays. Visitor goes to another page on site, then returns to the original page by using the browser back button. I want the visitor to see the swf as it was ended and not have the swf play again. I assume this is impossible because the browser refreshes the page.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#282828][FONT=Ubuntu]Actually, it would be okay if the swf played again without its audio. That’s the problem. The initial page is a table of contents of a magazine with a movie embedded in it. So a visitor comes to it, clicks on a link to an article, then goes back to this table of contents, up and back. Each time, the browser refreshes the table of contents and replays the movie with its sound. It gets to be mucho annoying.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#282828][FONT=Ubuntu]As I said, the replay of the movie would be okay if I could stop the audio portion, but I don’t know how that is possible given browser refresh.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#282828][FONT=Ubuntu]Any help will be greatly appreciated.[/FONT][/COLOR]