Stop the music! (Please help!)

Ok, I’m new here… But anyways…
I’ve created an animation in flash mx, i’m new to that too…
and I added a song to the animation… but I want it to stop at a certain point… it won’t stop though, it just continues playing and eventually overlaps itself when the animation loops back…
How do I stop the music?

isnt there anyway to select (do not play if music is already playing)… since im new to flash mx but thatz how i did it in swishmax

Um… that doesn’t really help much because I don’t have that option but thanks anyway. I appreciate it… ^^

But I really need to tknow how to stop it at a certain point… Please someone answer my question!

I think if you set your sound as Start and not venet it will play once, not sure but
You could put this action on a frame or a button to stop the sound