stopDrag() after button release

hello all,
i have a map, [spacebar] + [mouseclick] = dragging the map around - also the word “dragging” appears/disappears so you know you’ve started/stopped. once a building is clicked a “wall” slides up covering the map and that building’s info pops up. wonderful…

if i click a building w/o having dragged the map, then “map dragging” is correctly disabled…BUT…if i drag the map first and THEN click a building i can’t get the ‘map dragging’ to disble (the “wall” is opaque so i can still see the map moving behind it). here is my AS,

var allowDrag:String = "yes"; //initially set to enable dragging
this.onEnterFrame = function(){ // drag map
if(allowDrag != "no"){ //also tried (allowDrag == "yes")
 var mouseListener:Object = new Object(); //drag map
   mouseListener.onMouseDown = function()
   setProperty(_root.dragLight,_alpha, 100);
  else // DON'T DRAG!!!
   setProperty(_root.dragLight,_alpha, 0);
   //allowDrag = "no"
} // end if allowDrag
// end drag map

my building buttons are supposed to set the var to “no” to disable the dragging:

for(var b=1;b<=47;b++){ // loops thru ALL buttons["btn"+b].onRelease = function()
   nozoom = "no";
   allowDrag = "no";// disable map dragging after bldng is clicked

i can’t see how dragging before or after clicking a building would affect anything?!?! any ideas?
