Stoping a tween

Hi again:trout: lol

i made a tween effect and after the tween i tryed to put a stop action to stop the tween after it has played but the tween dosn´t stop. What AS should i use to stop a tween fromn looping?:sleep:


post the fla!

here you go:)

change the code in your first frame in this:
[AS]this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var t = this.getBytesTotal(), l = this.getBytesLoaded();
if (l == t) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
// or change to gotoAndPlay
} else {
percent = Math.round(l*100/t)+" %";

and add a “stop()” in frame 26

scotty :thumb:

wohoo…one thx to you too!:love: :love:

no problem(-: