Stopping a movie clip

Okay, a more specific question in relation to the “clockwork” thread I posted earlier…

In my animation I have a movie clip that is constantly spinning, but is it possible to make a button stop the movie clip wherever the movie is at - then when the button is released, have the movie continue playing from where it stopped?

I know it’s retarded, and it probably has a really simple explanation, but Flash eludes me when it becomes technical…

Your help would be MUCH appreciated…

If your movieclip is sitting on the main timeline then give it an instance name of something like “yourMC” then on your button, apply this action:

on (press){
on (release){;

I’m guessing that would do what you want. :smirk:

that sounds like it to me.


hehe… excellent…it worked!

thank you so much!


awesome, I’m glad it worked for you. =)