I have this code that controls snowflakes on stage. It works great but I don’t know how I can stop this when I need to.
I see a “onEnterFrame” but if I try and do a “delete tempFlake.onEnterFrame” on a button…it doesn’t work. That’s the only thing I could think of…any help would be great.
Here’s the code ---- //
var speed:Number = 2;
var wind:Number = 0;
var movieWidth:Number = 550;
var movieHeight:Number = 400;
createSnow(_root, 100);
function createSnow(container:MovieClip, numberOfFlakes:Number):Void
//run a for loop based on numberOfFlakes
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFlakes; i++)
//set temporary variable and attach snowflake to it from the library
var tempFlake:MovieClip = container.attachMovie("snow_mc", "snow"+container.getNextHighestDepth(), container.getNextHighestDepth());
//variables that will modify the falling snow
tempFlake.r = 1+Math.random()*speed;
tempFlake.k = -Math.PI+Math.random()*Math.PI;
tempFlake.rad = 0;
//giving each snowflake unique characteristics
var randomScale:Number = random(50)+50;
tempFlake._xscale = randomScale;
tempFlake._yscale = randomScale
tempFlake._alpha = random(100)+50;
tempFlake._x = random(movieWidth);
tempFlake._y = random(movieHeight);
//give the flake an onEnterFrame function to constantly update its properties
// --------------------- //
tempFlake.onEnterFrame = function()
//update flake position
this.rad += (this.k / 180) * Math.PI;
this._x -= Math.cos(this.rad)+wind;
this._y += speed;
//if flake out of bounds, move to other side of screen
if (this._y >= movieHeight) {
this._y = -5;
if (this._x >= movieWidth)
this._x = 1
if (this._x <= 0)
this._x = movieWidth - 1;
//----------------------- //